Телескоп Celestron Nexstar 127SLT - чисто нов Никопол

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1444 лв. Published date: February 11, 2025
  • Country: Bulgaria
  • Region: Плевен
  • City: Никопол

Телескоп Celestron Nexstar 127SLT - чисто нов

Продавам чисто нов телескоп на известната марка Целестрон. Само разпечатан, пробвам и отново прибран. Закупен за около 1800лв. преди малко повече от две години. Купихме си го с голямо желание, но така и не му дойде времето да го използваме, затова преценихме, че искаме да го продадем.
При интерес или запитване ще го извадим от кутията за да направим и снимки на корпуса. Телескопа не е ползван и няма абсолютно никакви забележки!

Designed to be an affordable entry level to mid-level computerized GoTo telescope, the NexStar SLT refractors, reflectors, and Maks are available in the most popular sizes and are loaded with valuable design features. With preassembled, adjustable stainless steel tripods, and quick release fork arms and tubes, NexStar SLT telescopes can be set up in a matter of minutes – with no tools required! You can see details of the lunar surface, Venus and its phases, polar caps on Mars, Jupiter and its four moons, Saturn with its rings plainly visible and much more! Most NexStar SLT’s can also be used as a land-based spotting

High quality 127mm (5) Maksutov-Cassegrain
Quick-release fork arm mount, optical tube and accessory tray for quick tool no set up
StarPointer finderscope to help with alignment and accurately locating objects
Auxiliary port for additional accessories such as GPS accessory
Includes The SkyX Planetarium software


Никопол, Плевен



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